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Joshua Fairbairn over 7 years ago

Could Josh Fairbairn be added to the staff/coach page. Thanks

Zealand Youngman over 7 years ago

We are missing an elbow guard from Casen's bag. If any have come across an extra that might be ours. It's an Easton Stealth C5.0. The size is a junior m/m, the size is printed on inside of pad.

If someone does have it please let is know it give it to a coach or manager and tell them it belongs to Casen Youngman.


Philip Duke over 7 years ago

We just came back from out of country and working on our jet lag so most likely won't be able to be make it to the game in Logan this Saturday as we planned. We signed up to bring the drink for the game. We Are grateful if any of you may sub and bring drink to the game this time for us? Thank you so much! Phil

David Majewski over 7 years ago

If anyone might have picked up Eric's gloves after last week's practice (all black with white SHERWOOD lettering) please let me know. He did get his helmet back with the help of Kayden Darby but his gloves are still MIA. He is feeling better but still very sore from his unexpected meeting between his upper back and rhe boards this morning . I appreciate all the well wishes from everyone there. If you have his gloves and are not playing in the tournament please let me know and I can drive to you for them. Thank you.

Philip Duke over 7 years ago

Thanks for all the wonderful coaching! You guys are awesome! Thanks!

Steven Breault over 7 years ago

A big Thank You to all the Parents! We look forward to watching your kids progress and develop a love for Hockey.

Coach Breault